
Bio / Frequently Asked Questions
Pick a topic :
- How did you get started in music ?
- Can I use one of your songs in a video I'm making ?
- By the way, why "CarboHydroMusic" ?
How did you get started in music ?
I had absolutely no music education. I just felt attracted to it very young, and spent entire hours listening to instrumental music vinyls or NES soundtracks I had tape-recorded.
When I was 8 years old, my parents offered me a cheap 24-keys portable keyboard, just a toy, and magic happened. I picked up the guitar at 14 by borrowing one from a friend, and got my hands on a home computer at around the same time. The first music software I ever used is Triton's FastTracker 2.
As I watched more movies and played more video games, I became more and more fascinated by the illustrative power of music, and quickly started to create soundtracks for imaginary stuff, in various genres.
As back in the 90's we did not have the same amount of storage resources, most of the music I wrote then got lost, but I could save some on tape, floppy disks or in my head !
Can I use one of your songs in a video I'm making ?
Yes, absolutely. If you need a written permission please contact me, I'll give it to you. The only thing I ask for in return is proper credit. Please make sure to add mention that the music in your video is by me, as well as a link to this website.
By the way, why "CarboHydroMusic" ?
In a nutshell, my lifelong 3-lettered retro games ranking nick is "CHM". I've registered my scores like this since around the NES/SNES era. A couple of my friends eventually started calling me that way too, and still do nowadays.
In the early 2000's, when I had to choose an Internet pseudonym and started publishing video game music remixes, "CHM" obviously was too common of a username though. At that time I was a student and I came up with the most uncommon idea, or so I thought : use chemical elements to stand for each letter. Carbon for C, Hydrogen for H, and none for M : CarboHydroM.
However, and against all odds, when I signed up on Youtube in 2010, I found out that somebody else had registered as "carbohydrom". A bit puzzled at first, I finally took the opportunity to give a purpose to this lonely M, and changed the username into "CarboHydroMusic". And here we are, it sounds a bit more like a studio name now !
Second Legacy - Independent game soundtrack | CarboHydroM | 2015 | (Developer, Artist, Composer, Sound Designer) |
Unsealed - A musical play through The Legend Of Zelda ALTTP | CarboHydroM | 2014 | (Arranger) |
ChargN - Independent game soundtrack | Boxhouse Games | 2014 | (Composer) |
Other Side (Global Game Jam 2014) - Independent game soundtrack | Ludonkey & Others | 2014 | (Composer, Sound Designer) |
Prime Legacy - Fictional game soundtrack | CarboHydroM | 2014 | (Composer) |
Chroma Crunch - Independent game soundtrack | Roguish Exploits | 2013 | (Composer, Sound Designer) |
Divided Infinity - Independent game soundtrack | Coded Emotion | 2013 | (Composer, Sound Designer) |
Dino Racer Turbo Mega Destructor - Animation soundtrack | David Carron | 2012 | (Composer) |
Rock 'n' Twinbee - Pop 'n' Twinbee OST tribute arrange album | CarboHydroM | 2008 | (Arranger) |
Extra Credits - Web series intro theme | Extra Credits | 2008 | (Arranger) |
Random Gamer Memories - Video game music arrange compilation | CarboHydroM | 2004 | (Arranger) |
VG Rocks ! - Video game music arrange compilation | CarboHydroM | 2003 | (Arranger) |

Computer |
Audio Interfaces & Preamps |
Monitors System |
Headphones |
Software |
MIDI Controllers |
Instruments |
Amps & Effects Rack |
Microphones |
Remote Recording |